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Yes, we can

Posté par Cyraknow, 07 novembre 2008 · 921 visite(s)

poems in English
Obama won the election, on Nov. 4th.
What an exceptional historic moment!! A coloured President for that once slave-driving, segregationist country!!!
It's absolutely wonderful!!
I followed the campaign closely,and have been rooting for him for months. I'm just elated and overjoyed!!!!!
Being from Chicago, I've been following his doings for a while now, and I know deep down that this vote is a lot more than skin deep. It has to do with the great way he's managed his carreer so far, with his ideas and achievements. But the fact of his colour is truly remarkable because of the great step forward in mentalities. I had been wondering for a long time whether the country would dare elect the one who appeared to be the best suited for the job... if he turned out to be either coloured (not necessarily Black, though) or female. So to me, the primaries, and then the ensuing raging battle for the White House, were absolutely fascinating! My pupils were in fact monitoring the proceedings quite closely (especially knowing where I hail from) and discussing probabilities amongst themselves.
At the moment, I am of course working on a poem about this amazing result, which I will post here soon.
Have a great day!!

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Derniers commentaires

Au détour des méandres du web...  Notre amie Boë en ses oeuvres toujours plus baroques et époustouflantes.  Le site de Laurence Hérault, de tlp. De très jolis écrits, très sensibles et justes. Le site merveilleux d'un artiste visuel, qui a adapté moult poèmes en bandes dessinées, en anglais, français et italien.
ttp:// Site de poésie en anglais: métrique , histoire, compilations d'auteurs, analyses... Fabuleusement riche. Le blog en anglais de Madeleine Kane, entièrement en limericks Un dictionnaire de langue anglaise... dont toutes les entrées sont rédigées en limericks!

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