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Elucubrations de Cyraknow

Joe Biden, poetry reader

Posté par Cyraknow, dans billets d'info et d'h..., In the language of Shakespeare 20 janvier 2021 · 744 visite(s)
Joe Biden, American poetry
On this inauguration day, when all the Americans blessed with even a modicum of common sense are ardently hoping that the newly-elected President will be able to put the country back on track and cauterize the wounds inflicted by the intolerance, racism, sanitary crisis, economic fractures and other niceties that are the legacy of the departing moron; yes...

Meteorology of love

Posté par Cyraknow, dans In the language of Shakespeare 02 novembre 2020 · 1 380 visite(s)
English, translation
The following is a translation, or rather, for rhyming purposes, an adaptation of my poem Météorologie amoureuse, which can be read here:  http://www.toutelapo...ogie-amoureuse/
Meteorology of love
First the sky, of vibrant hue,
Was a potent azure blue;
Our love a perfect dreamy bliss

Emily Dickinson quote

Posté par Cyraknow, dans In the language of Shakespeare 25 juin 2016 · 1 135 visite(s)
Emily Dickinson
Just a quick quote on the subject of how to recognize poetry...
How do you recognize poetry? Is it really just the organizing into stanzas, the rhymes, the rhythm? Or is poetry indefinably more?
Emily Dickinson said:
“If I read a book [and] it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry.
If I feel physical...

A wonderful discovery: Julian Peters

Posté par Cyraknow, dans In the language of Shakespeare, billets d'info et d'h..., poèmes en Français 31 janvier 2016 · 1 302 visite(s)
Julian Peters, comic strips et 1 de plus...
A wonderful discovery: Julian Peters Through his amazing portrayal of "The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock", by T.S. Eliot, published as episodes (there are twenty-four pages of drawings) on  I discovered recently a very talented visual artist, named Julian Peters.
From what I understand, he seems to be living in Quebec, though I am not sure if he is from...

Charles Bukowski by Tom Waits

Posté par Cyraknow, dans In the language of Shakespeare 06 janvier 2016 · 1 089 visite(s)
video, Charles Bulowski et 3 de plus...
Here's a very well made little video, with the wonderful voice of Tom Waits to give body to the amazing text of Bukowski. A delight, to be enjoyed.

Word crimes

Posté par Cyraknow, dans In the language of Shakespeare 13 février 2015 · 1 091 visite(s)

An extraordinarily funny video!!!!!
Watch it !!!!!
Weird Al Yankovic is at it again, and this time he has parodied the awful "Blurred lines" song , that is so insulting and demeaning to women, but was such a hit all through 2014.
He has turned it into a song about mistakes and grammar horrors, just too funny for words!
And, by the w...

Funeral blues

Posté par Cyraknow, dans In the language of Shakespeare 08 juillet 2014 · 1 220 visite(s)
W.H. Auden
I have already written an article about this poem which I love very much, the splendidly moving and tear-inducing Funeral Blues, also known by its first line "Stop all the clocks", by W.H. Auden.
This article listed the words of the poem, and also the best French translation I could find.

So today, here is the famed scene of the film Four Weddings and a...

Le Dictionnaire du Diable

Posté par Cyraknow, dans In the language of Shakespeare, billets d'info et d'h... 12 juin 2014 · 3 391 visite(s)
Ambrose Bierce, cynisme, anglais et 2 de plus...
Ceci est la traduction en français de l'article portant le même titre, en anglais, que les anglophiles et anglophones peuvent lire ci-dessous.
Une publication d'Efemerid, que j'ai lu ce matin sur cette page:  http://www.toutelapo...rt/#entry268217    m'a grandement rappel...

The Devil's dictionary

Posté par Cyraknow, dans In the language of Shakespeare 12 juin 2014 · 1 437 visite(s)
Ambrose Bierce, cynisme, anglais et 2 de plus...
A publication by Efemerid, which I read this morning, here,  http://www.toutelapo...rt/#entry268217     reminded me a lot of the famed Devil's Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce, which you can read here unabridged:  
http://www.commissio...RY AMBROSE B...

The greatness of Shaw

Posté par Cyraknow, dans billets d'info et d'h..., In the language of Shakespeare 18 mai 2014 · 1 061 visite(s)
George Bernard Shaw, Irish et 4 de plus...
Looking around the Net for quotes by George Bernard Shaw, I came across this site, which has compiled quite a few good, often funny, ones.


Have fun reading them!

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Derniers commentaires

Au détour des méandres du web...  Notre amie Boë en ses oeuvres toujours plus baroques et époustouflantes.  Le site de Laurence Hérault, de tlp. De très jolis écrits, très sensibles et justes. Le site merveilleux d'un artiste visuel, qui a adapté moult poèmes en bandes dessinées, en anglais, français et italien.
ttp:// Site de poésie en anglais: métrique , histoire, compilations d'auteurs, analyses... Fabuleusement riche. Le blog en anglais de Madeleine Kane, entièrement en limericks Un dictionnaire de langue anglaise... dont toutes les entrées sont rédigées en limericks!

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